6 June 2024 - Thursday

We attended the HIMSS'24 European Conference and Exhibition held in Italy / Rome between May 29 and 31, 2024.

Europe's most prestigious health technologies HIMSS'24 European Conference and Exhibition brought together all healthcare professionals for innovation and collaboration.

We Left Our Mark at the Event with Our Pioneering Health Solutions

AKGUN, which develops unique and innovative products in the global health system with the power of knowledge and technology, continues to fly the flag of our country on international platforms. We took part with our stand in the event attended by our Chairman of the Board of Directors, Deputy General Managers and Managers from our company. At our stand, healthcare professionals showed intense interest in our products and solutions.

At the event, Hospital Information Management System and iVital Intensive Care Information Management System, Artificial Intelligence Supported X-Eye Mammo Breast Cancer Decision Support System, X-Eye Thorax Lung Images Computer Aided Diagnosis System, X-Eye RibOut Bone Suppression System, Tele-Radiology and Tele- Health, we presented our health products and solutions.

AKGUN, the Pioneer of Digital Transformation in Health

AKGUN continues to provide on-site, instant, uninterrupted, end-to-end services with its advanced technological solutions. Developing advanced technological products in the healthcare sector, AKGUN leads the transition to a digital hospital that makes life easier with the solutions it offers. Thanks to the infrastructure we have established, hospitals take on a digital identity. Thus, while the diagnosis and treatment processes of patients are accelerated, the lives of healthcare professionals are made easier.